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Surgical Services

San Gabriel Valley Medical Center's surgeons perform thousands of procedures annually on both an inpatient and outpatient basis. Combining surgical expertise with the latest technology, our skilled surgeons and highly trained staff perform a range of surgeries in the following areas:

General surgery
Orthopedic and Spine surgery
Oncological surgery
Breast surgery
Colorectal surgery
Vascular surgery
Ear/ nose / throat
Plastic and Reconstructive surgery
Pre-Operative Testing

All patients who are scheduled for surgery are encouraged to contact the Pre-Admission Center to complete all necessary testing prior to the date of surgery.

Our Pre-Admission Center staff is here to help you to:

Complete your hospital registration
Review your health history
Complete any pre-surgery screening or tests (lab, X-ray, EKG, etc.)
Receive detailed instructions for the day of surgery
Get the answers to your questions

You may begin the pre-admission process up to two weeks before your scheduled surgery. Simply come to the Pre-Admission Center on the 1st Floor between 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday (except holidays).

When you come for your pre-surgery appointment bring:

Photo ID
Insurance card(s)
Any forms, paperwork, pre-op labs, or x-ray results from your doctor's office
List of current medications
Your healthcare advanced directive form, if you have completed one. (If you do not have a healthcare advanced directive but would like one, our pre-admitting nurse can provide you with information and a form.)

If you can't come to the hospital for a pre-admission visit prior to your surgery, our admitting nurse will call to share pre-surgery instructions. We will also connect you to the Admitting department to complete the registration process. If the patient is under age 18, a parent or guardian mush sign consent forms.

We know the pre-surgery details and decisions can be difficult. Throughout your procedure and after, we will make you as comfortable as possible. After surgery, you will receive our instructions for your recovery plan, including guidance for rest, activity, medication, and diet.
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