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For Patients

Before Your Visit

Please click here for a printable checklist that details what to bring to the hospital (English/Spanish).

After Your Visit

We care about your recovery and well-being after your hospital visit. If you feel that you are getting worse or experiencing any of the following signs or symptoms, please:

Call your physician
Call 911
Or visit the nearest Emergency Room

Warning Signs

Persistent vomiting or diarrhea
Temperature over 101 degrees Fahrenheit, lasting longer than 8 hours
Increased tenderness, redness, drainage, or opening of wound
Shortness of breath at rest, difficulty breathing
Fainting or dizziness
Discoloration or numbness of extremities
Severe pain not relieved by medication (chest pain)
Excessive swelling of the legs or feet, severe leg cramping
Uncontrolled bleeding

For Cardiac patients: weight gain greater than 5 pounds in a week or greater than 10 pounds in a month.
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