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Picture of s Medical Professional holding a diagram of the kidneys and bladder.


Urologic diseases encompass a wide range of illnesses of the urogenital tract, which includes the kidney, bladder, and genitals. These disorders can be congenital (present at birth) or acquired over a person's lifetime and also vary in their severity from acute to debilitating or chronic.

Some of the most prevalent cancers today are urogenital -- prostate cancer, for instance, is one of the most common types of cancer in American men that affects 1 in 6 men. Another prevalent cancer, bladder cancer, is the 4th most common cancer among men and the 9th most common in women.

AHMC Anaheim Regional Medical Center's physicians specializing in urology treat conditions that affect both men and women. Our medical staff is committed to providing you with the most advanced care and will go to the limit to ensure that your health needs are met and exceeded.
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