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Picture of a cartoon graphic of a smiling woman standing behind a desk that says "RECEPTION" and a man is standing in front of her holding a briefcase with his other hand in the air.

Visiting Information & Hospital Policies

VISITATION RESTRICTIONS (Effective Immediately 1-5-2022)

For the safety of our patients, physicians, and staff members, it is necessary at this time to restrict all visitation, with the following exceptions:

Labor & Delivery and Postpartum patients are allowed one visitor.
NICU patients are allowed one visitor.
Patients with physical or cognitive disabilities are allowed one visitor.
Critically ill patients when death may be imminent are allowed one visitor.

Along with meeting one of the above exceptions, the visitor must provide evidence of full vaccination status, or a negative COVID-19 test done within 24 hours (if using Antigen testing) or 48 hours (if using PCR testing) prior to each visit to the hospital.

Visitors may choose antigen or molecular (e.g., PCR) testing to satisfy the testing requirement. Any molecular or antigen test used must either have Emergency Use Authorization by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration or be operating per the Laboratory Developed Test requirements by the U.S. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. Visitors who test positive for COVID-19 will not be permitted to visit and will be requested to leave.

*No exceptions, unless the situation is in emergency and with approval from the house supervisor or designee. The visitor must come into compliance within 24 hours of the emergency.

Please Note:
All visitors will be screened for absence of fever > 100F and Covid19 symptoms at front entrance.
All visitors must wear a well-fitted face covering at all times within the facility.
All visitors must wear other personal protective equipment as appropriate while in the patient's room.
All visitor movement is limited to going directly to and from the patient room only.
All visitors must perform frequent hand hygiene and socially distance as required.

Restricciones de Visitas - (Efectivo Inmediamente 1/5/2022)

Para la protección de nuestros pacientes, médicos, y miembros del personal, en este momento es necesario restringir todas las visitas, con las siguientes excepciones:
A los pacientes en el ala de maternidad se les permite un visitante.
A los pacientes en la unidad de terapia intensiva neonatal (NICU) se les permiteun visitante.
A los pacientes graves cuando la muerte puede ser inminente se les permite un visitante.

Además de cumplir con una de las excepciones mencionadas arriba, el visitante debe proveer evidencia de vacunación completa, o una prueba de COVID-19 negativa realizado en las últimas 24 horas (si se utilizó una prueba de antígenos) o las últimas 48 horas (si se utilizó una prueba PCR o molecular) antes de cada visita al hospital.

Los visitantes pueden escoger una prueba de antígenos o molecular (p. ej. PCR) para cumplir con el requisito de prueba. Cualquier prueba, ya sea molecular o de antígenos que se utilice tiene que tener la aprobación de emergencia de la Administración de Alimentos y Medicamentos de los Estados Unidos (FDA) o que esté que operando dentro de los requisitos de desarrollo de pruebas de un laboratorio establecidos por los Centros de Servicios de Medicare and Medicaid de los Estados Unidos. No se les permitirá el ingreso al hospital a los visitantes que tengan una prueba positiva de Covid-19 y se les pedirá que se retiren.

Sin excepciones, al menos que la situación sea un caso de emergencia y con la aprobación del supervisor en guardia o la persona asignada. El visitante tendría que cumplir con los requisitos de visita dentro de las primeras 24 horas de la emergencia.

Tener en cuenta:

-Se revisará a todas las visitas para asegurar la ausencia de fiebre de >100F y síntomas de COVID-19 en la recepción.

-Todas las visitas deberán portar un tapaboca bien colocado todo el tiempo mientras esté en el hospital.

-Todas las visitas deberán usar equipo de protección personal como sea apropiado mientras se encuentren en el cuarto del paciente.

-Todas las visitas deberán limitar su movimiento caminando directamente y sin desviarse cuando van al cuarto o de regreso del cuarto del paciente.

-Todas las visitas deber realizar higiene de manos frecuentemente y distanciamiento social según sea requerido.

Non -Covid Times

AHMC Anaheim Regional Medical Center values family and visitors as an important part of patient recovery and healing. Not only do we strive to provide our patients with innovative and compassionate care, we also seek to provide a restful and peaceful environment that promotes healing, maintain the safety of all people involved in the visitation experience, and ensure that your visitation experience is positive for our patients. To achieve this, we have provided additional information in the menu to the left.

To ensure that your visitation experience is the best that it can be, we ask that you assist us by following the guidelines listed below for each department. If the patient you wish to visit is not in the departments below, please click here for a list of all the departments and further information about ARMC's visiting policies.

For more information about our Visitor Information, or if you have a question please contact us.

Visitation Guidelines for:

Critically Ill Patients
The Birth Place
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)

Visitation Guidelines for Critically Ill Patients

In any critical care unit, visiting experiences can be challenging because of the severity of a patient's illness and low resistance to infection, as well as his/her need for pain control and comfort to rest adequately. Sometimes visiting can exhaust patients, expose them to infections, disrupt their rest and comfort or create stress.

Call the Critical Care Waiting Room before entering patient care areas. The nurse will determine if a visit is safe and in the best interest of the patient; please coordinate visit times with the nurse.
Ext. 2620 rooms # C101- C112
Ext. 2060 rooms # C121- C132
Ext. 3808 rooms # C141- C150
Ext. 3134 rooms # C161- C174

Please cooperate with the critical care unit nurses to ensure that visiting is a positive experience that enhances the patient's recovery by following the simple guidelines listed below:

1. Work with bedside nurses on duty who work to ensure the safety of all while you are visiting.

2. Number of Visitors

Two (2) visitors are permitted per patient at one time.
If more than two (2) wish to visit, you may be required to take turns, so that everyone has an opportunity to visit.

3. There are special dress requirements to visit patients in isolation.
Our goal is to reduce the risk of spreading infections between visitors and patients.
Please see the nurse for special instructions before entering the patient's room.Visitors with signs or symptoms of cold, flu, or other infection are not permitted to visit patients.

5. Visitor Age Limit
For safety reasons, the age limit for visitors is 16 and older.

6. Do not leave children unattended in the waiting room.

7. If there is an emergency situation, the nurse may ask visitors to step aside or return to the waiting room.

Visiting Policies at The Birth Place

The Birth Place clinicians and staff strive to ensure that your birthing experience is a memory to cherish for many years to come. We recognize the excitement and joy that a newborn brings to new parents, family members, and visiting friends. To secure the safety of the newborn and maintain the comfort of the mother, father or significant other, we ask that you abide by these policies below:
Visiting Hours

Daily visiting hours are from 11:00 am to 8:00 pm.
Unlimited visiting hours are provided to fathers/significant others.

General Guidelines
All visitors must wait outside the LDR for the first hour and a half after delivery.
This private time is used specifically to acquaint the newborn with his/her parents.
After the skin to skin bonding, you may have up to two (2) people are allowed to visit at a time in the LDR . All other visitors can either rotate in to visit, or they can wait in the Labor and Delivery waiting room.
Due to fire department regulations, we cannot have people waiting in the hallways.
Our two person visitation policy is also for the baby's protection and infection control; we ask that visitors utilize the waiting room and rotate visitation.
Only siblings of the baby are allowed to visit if they are under the age of 12.

Visiting the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit

The NICU staff understands that having an infant in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) is a very stressful, and we are here to support you and your family through this difficult time. We want you to be active in your infant's care. From your hospital room, you can call the NICU at ext. 3150.

Visiting Hours

The hospital's visiting hours are 11am to 9pm. However, parents may visit their infant in the NICU any time except during nurse shift change from 5:30-7: 00am and 5:30 - 7: 00pm, when parents will be asked to leave so that our nurses can report on their patients. Parents will also be asked to leave during physician rounds from 9- 11am. Parents and Visitors will be asked to show their ID armbands/ ID photo at each visit.

General Visiting Guidelines in NICU

Visitors will be limited to 2 at a time. This includes multiple births.

Parents may choose up to six (6) family members and friends to visit that will be written on the visiting list. This also applies to multiple births.

If the father is not participating:
The mother may choose one (1) 'support person' to visit the baby besides herself.
The support person has the same visiting privileges as a parent and must remain the same person throughout the infant's hospital stay.

Friends and family members that are not on the Visitor Authorization list may view the baby through the NICU window.

However, infants are attached to monitoring equipment and cannot be moved to the window.

Please tell your friends and family members that it may not be possible to see your baby from the window.

If you do not want anyone to view your baby, mark the appropriate box (Visitor Authorization's Form).

Siblings of the infant, 3 years old or older may visit only on the day of admission and on the weekends (Saturday/Sunday).

Sibling visits will be limited to 15 minutes a day during these times to decrease exposure to harmful germs.

A Visitor Health Questionnaire must be completed before the first sibling visitation.

Information regarding your baby's condition may be given to only you and the father (if participating).

If you do not want information given to the support person, mark the appropriate box.

Please ask friends and family members not to call the NICU to ask about your baby, since we cannot give them any information.

In addition, please do not share any information concerning your baby with other families in the NICU.

Visitors must call from the phone in the hallway outside of the NICU for admittance or ring the bell at the desk.

Visitors will be asked their name and relationship to your baby.

They may also be asked for identification.

For the safety of your baby, Please ask family members not to visit if they are feeling ill or have recently been exposed to a contagious disease.
If you have a fever or cold, call the NICU and let your baby's nurse know.

All visitors must wash their hands at the sink in the NICU for a full 3 minutes before entering the patient area.
Proper hand washing:
Wash hands and arms up to the elbows using soap and water after removing watches, bracelets, and rings (wedding rings may be left on).
Do not scrub your arm near your IV site or remove your hospital armband.

Personal belongings, such as purses, jewelry or jackets may be placed at your infant's bedside.

Never leave your personal belongings unattended.

Visitors will be instructed not to bring any food into the NICU.

We encourage you to touch and talk to your baby when you visit; however, the nurse may sometimes ask you to:
Limit your visit and handling of the baby so that he/she can rest, depending on the baby's condition.
You may be asked to delay visiting during certain procedures or emergencies in the unit.
We appreciate your understanding.

Visitors will be expected to remain only at the bedside of the patient when they are visiting.

Other infants in the room have the same right to privacy as your baby.

We cannot answer questions about other patients.

In addition, we ask that you do not read your baby's bedside chart. Please ask the nurse if you have any questions.

You may take still photographs of your baby in the NICU. Video cameras are allowed in the NICU, however, videotaping from the window is not allowed.

As your baby's condition improves, you may be asked to visit at feeding times or at bath time so that you can learn how to care for your baby.

You are welcome at other times, but it is best to visit when your baby is awake.

Between feedings, your baby needs undisturbed sleep periods so that he or she can feel rested and grow.

You may call your baby's nurse and ask which he best times to visit are

For the safety of your baby, we ask that you remain seated whenever holding your baby.

Visitors will be asked not to make or receive personal phone calls and not to use cell phones in the NICU.

Special Precautions:

Visitors with the following conditions will not be allowed in the NICU:
Respiratory Infection (cough or runny nose)
Any communicable disease (or exposure to)
Any infections with draining wounds
Any red spots (show to the Charge nurse)
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